Crystal Council October and November Unboxing

Hello hello my friends and crystal enthusiasts 💜

I’ve done a review video for 2 boxes of the Crystal Council’s master box (October and November) and have received some beautiful crystals! Would you like to see the whole video, my reactions to the unboxings, as well as extra tips and info? click HERE. If you are interested in subscribing to one of their boxes, I’ll provide their link HERE be sure to use my code V3SS7M to save $$$ on your first box.

I would love to share more detailed images on the pretty rocks (crystals) that came in the box 😊 I will also post all the information that was provided in their scrolls. The information the Crystal Council gave is very brief and only a fraction on the energies these wonderful tools can provide. Even though the information is brief, it’s a good starting place for you to start working with them, and to add more of your own research.

Make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel and sign up for emails to never miss a future video on crystals, witchy tips, or other magickal adventures.

For these 2 months, I filled in their surveys identically to see what crystals they would send based on what inquiries I had. I’ll include the screenshots of those surveys below. Going through all these crystals, how do you think they compare?

For these 2 months I wanted to overcome any fear I have towards my spiritual strength and to have more confidence in this huge part of my life and practice.


A powerful stone of the heart chakra and helps release pent-up emotions. While meditating we suggest placing this piece directly over your heart space and imaging a powerful beam of light opening your most vital organ. It softens our emotions and breaks the barriers to help overcome the strong emotions we hold inside. Often times we let our feelings get the most of us during stressful situations, meditating overtime with this stone will assist you in controlling them.

Red Plum Agate:

Red Plume Agate is a fiery stone that ignites our powers inside. This crystal of manifestation can assist you in attracting your desires and helps focus your mind on what is important in this life. Try incorporating Red Plume Agate into your daily yoga or meditation sessions while directing your mind on goals you'd like to set for yourself. Slowly you will begin to notice doors open up and your visions come to life!


A powerful ally in healing yourself and your emotional body. This. stone should be a daily reminder to put you, yourself, and your wellbeing first. This stone helps release pain, anguish, and trauma weighing on one's mind and heart. It is the perfect stone for anyone who has trouble coping with emotions and will provide a calming and soothing energy field around one's aura.

Indonesian Jasper:

This is a variety of Jasper native to Indonesia with different colors and formations through out. It is a chakra aligning stone that increases your intuitive nature as well as grounds you down to earth, bringing you closer to her loving and abundant energies.


An elite and powerful stone and has earned the nickname " love stone” of this age.
It relaxes your mind and allows you to take a step back and enjoy the present moment. People working with this stone commonly find themselves having emotional connections to things and people around them that they hadn't even realized before. Sugilite is a very “in the moment” crystal and due to its
power, effects can be felt within minutes for some people.

Grape Agate:

A powerful intuitive stone that activates and links the crown and third eye chakras together. This stone helps one activate their psychic abilities and assists in the understanding of dreams. If you are someone who constantly dreams, we recommend placing this stone at your bedside each night to allow the powerful energies of this stone to work while you sleep. One's dreams will become more controllable and the images within them will become more clear. Your mind will become stronger than ever and push you to understand the images you see and
how they can affect your current life.

This stone has a lot of beautiful detail and formations that make it look like “grapes” you can see it’s details better in my video. I also talk about lucid dreaming, so if you want to know more about it, check it out here.

Carribean Blue Calcite:

A mind activator and helps one channel their own unique psychic abilities that aid one in elevating their consciousness. While we're still learning more and more about this stone each day, we highly urge you to do the same! During your next meditation session, add this stone to your cycle and begin to draw energy off of it so you can channel it within. One of the first things we've" noticed is the overall sense of calm and serenity that overtook our physical body. This allows one to more easily "slip out of their physical body and ascend to higher vibrations.

Flower Rhyolite:

A stone of the heart chakra that assists in the activation and flow of energy throughout the body. As heartfelt emotions begin to circulate, you will notice yourself begin to open up and become more in touch with your softer side. This pure version of yourself will be more in-tune with your needs and will assist you in pushing through emotional blockages. Flower rhyolite helps you flow through past traumas that weighed you down for long enough.

This was a repeat stone from the August and September unboxing I’ve done. If you’d like to see that video, I’ll link it here. I also made a corresponding blog post to it in the same format as this one. You can check that post out here.


Tremolite is a rare heart chakra crystal that activates our softer side. Often times we treat ourselves too harshly and lack self-love which leads to low confidence. Working with Tremolite and repeating self-affirmative phrases can help turn our subconscious around to start respecting ourselves. To be able to share the love with those around us, we have to start inward!

Quartz Covered Chrysoprase:

This unique variety from Indonesia is an enhanced version of Chrysoprase with a druzy Quartz coating throughout. Chrysoprase urges us to channel the newly found strength directly into our heart space, attempting to cleanse and rid all negative energy. Nature and Chrysoprase have a very strong connection, and we urge you to meditate with a piece outside. We recommend during the time of dawn or dusk, when Mother Earth is at her most energetic.


A stone of the heart and solar plexus charka that helps stimulate our creative centers deep from within. This soft stone transitions our most passionate of ideas to real-world decisions. Paragonite helps us follow our heart and create with no fear of suppressing our expressions. Try meditating with this stone over your heart chakra while imaging new, refreshing rays of light entering your body.


A stone that aligns your creative and intuitive sides to help you channel the highest version of yourself. This rare member of the Zeolite family forms around other high vibrations stones such as Scolecite and can help raise your vibrations to the next level. Try meditating with this stone in front of your body or on your forehead to ground higher energies down to the physical plane. Thomsonite can help you along your journey of self-discovery, all you have to do is call upon it.


Crocoite is a very interesting mineral that gives off a high vibrational energy. This crystal works to activate, unlock and link your root, heart, and crown chakras together. This important connection helps you root your most heartfelt thoughts and emotions down to an earthly plane so that they can then be grounded. Only once you are able to come. terms with your ideas and emotions, can you move forward and take action. The most important step when trying to do this is just taking the initial jump. A lot of people have trouble making the leap due to fear and insecurities, but Crocoite can be the perfect ally. This special mineral helps keep your mind focused and clear when on the path of following your dreams.


Helps ground your energies and activate your lower 3 chakras. It raises one's courage, drive, and focus levels to heights they never knew they had within. This mineral helps one truly believe in themselves, and their ability to
their full potential in this life. Sphalerite pushes one to realize that their dreams are within grasps and the only way to get there is through hard work and dedication. Sphalerite is here to provide you with the vitality and energy needed to push forward. Working with this stone will provide one with an reflection of themselves, as well as aid one as they grow into the person they truly want to be.

Have you worked with any of these crystals before? If so, how were your experiences? Or maybe this is the first time you’ve heard about them, what are your thoughts?

Also, how do these energies compare to the survey I took? What rating out of 10 would you give it’s correlations?

Let me know down in the comments!


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