About the Witch

Blessings to all of you beautiful beings! My name is Elena, I’m enchanted for you to be here and I welcome you to my little corner on the inter-web.

I’ve been a practitioner and an eclectic witch for over 16 years and am excited to share my journey with you. Being a solitary practitioner, and in the broom closet for most of the time, I’m thrilled to build a community of like-minded people who are seeking knowledge of mysteries throughout this universe and who have a desire to explore their meanings.

I’m also a therapist with a non-traditional, pagan, and spiritual based approach for our healing and shadow work journeys. I’m certified in NLP, Timeline, and Hypnosis therapy, I love to combine that knowledge with my many years experience as a witch, so I can offer a unique and spiritual form of therapy.

Throughout my years as a practitioner I’ve studied various forms of magick, divination and practices. I always strive to learn more and am constantly awed by what the energies around us are willing to teach if we take a moment to stop and have the patience to listen. One of my passions is to help you along your spiritual journey and guide you to discover your own energies, path and magickal potential.

I enjoy sharing my artwork, experiences, and magickal adventures throughout this blog and my youtube channel. My full intentions for all of my platforms is to provide pagan-based teachings, to share my personal experiences and perspective on the world, as well as to provide a safe and positive community for all things spiritual.

I begin every day, with the powers of the heavens, the light of the sun, the ray of the moon, the brilliance of fire, the swiftness of wind, the depth of the sea, and the solidity of our earth.