Terms and Definitions

  • Altar - a place to used to hold tools and ingredient needed for a ritual or spell. Or a sacred space of devotion.

  • Anointing - applying oil to another object for charming the item, blessing or cleansing.

  • Amulet - a magickally enchanted or charged object to serve a specific purpose or intention.

  • Astral Plane - a realm of immaterial existence, especially one positioned as an ethereal or external counterpart to physical or bodily reality.

  • Astral Projection - the ability to separate your spiritual self from your physical body and move around at will.

  • Astrology - the study of movements and relative positions of planets and celestial forces as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.

  • Athame - a dagger or knife that is used strictly in a ritualistic, or spiritual manner to work with energies. Usually not used to cut tangible objects

  • Aura - a unique energy field for an individual or an entity.

  • Balance - in a spiritual term, having an equal amount of “good” or “bad”, “light” or “dark”. Balance is important for energies to flow and work properly together. One cannot exist without the other.

  • Banishing - using a spiritual form or technique to abolish or remove something or someone unwanted.

  • Besom - a broom used by practitioners to physically and spiritually cleanse and prepare a space.

  • Blessing - using a spiritual form or technique to make something sacred.

  • Bolline - a practitioners working knife used for spiritual cutting.

  • Book of Shadows - a personal collection of recipes, training techniques, guidelines, journaling and other materials deemed important to a practitioner or a coven.

  • Cauldron - used for containing ritual fires or holding items to be charged. It can be used to hold water for cleansing or scrying, cooking or spell-making.

  • Censer - a container in which incense is burned.

  • Chakra - energy systems of the human body located at specific points within and without the body.

  • Chalice - a cup used to hold ritual drinks or energy.

  • Circle - can be used to describe a gathering of practitioners for a specific event.

    • Also used to define the casting of a circle for ritualistic purposes to create sacred protected space.

  • Clairvoyant - an individual who has the ability to see or sense future events or energies.

  • Conjunction - (0 - 8°) an alignment of 2 planets or other celestial objects which makes it seem like they’re in the same place. These celestial bodies have their energies working together.

  • Cords - a physical or spiritual rope or string used in spells or rituals.

  • Coven - a group or gathering of individuals with similar beliefs.

  • Cycle - a series of events which are regularly repeated in the same order.

  • Divination - the practice of seeking knowledge of the unknown, future or other information by supernatural means.

  • Deosil - movement going clockwise.

  • Eclectic - deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.

  • Elements - the building blocks of all energies around us. Water, Fire, Earth, Air, and Spirit.

  • Empath - an individual with an ability to sense and perceive emotions from other beings.

  • Energy - power derived from the utilization of physical, chemical, magickal, or self resources to fuel life, spellwork or other things.

  • Gatekeeping - controlling or limiting someone's ability to join or participate in something.

  • Grounding - a form of meditation or visualization to help calm and relax yourself, to strengthen your connection with the earth or root chakras.

  • High Priest - a male practitioner of a high status within a religion, coven, group, or community.

  • High Priestess - a female practitioner of a high status within a religion, coven, group, or community.

  • Holistic - treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease.

  • House (astrological) - the 12 divisions on a horoscope chart pertaining to specific areas of life.

  • Ink - used for writing with a quill or brush. Can be enchanted or spelled to work for a specific purpose.

  • Jewelry - rings, bracelets, crowns, any type of accessory that can be enchanted or blessed for a specific purpose.

  • Knot - a physical or spiritual tying in a cord to retain a specific intention or spell.

  • Ley Lines - energy lines throughout the universe.

  • Lucid Dreaming - an event which occurs when the dreamer is aware they are dreaming and could gain some, or all, control of their dream.

  • Mindfulness - a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.

  • Meditation - a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

  • Numerology - a form of divination, or a mathematical science, where numbers correspond to certain meanings and contain energy attributes.

  • Oils - usually derived from plants, herbs, or flowers. Can in used in various ways for cooking, spellwork, or rituals.

  • Opposition - (180°) 2 planets or celestial bodies directly opposite each other, with their energies are working against each other.

  • Pendulum - usually a pointed crystal or metal at the end of a chain or sting. Used for divination or communication.

  • Pentacle - 5 pointed star with a circle around it. Symbolizing the five elements and the circle of life.

  • Pentagram - 5 pointed star with no circle around it. Symbolizing the five elements.

  • Quincunx - (150°) joining of 2 signs that don’t share a quality, element, or gender, creating difficulty in communication or connection with each other.

  • Reincarnation - phenomena of a soul dying in one lifetime, to be reborn in another. The soul stays the same, while the body or vessel it’s reborn into is different.

  • Ritual - a ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a preplanned order. Usually repeated on special occasions or astrological events.

  • Runes - a set of Celtic inscriptions on small pieces of crystals or wood used for divination.

  • Scrying - a form of divination or communication by using reflective objects such as a mirror or water.

  • Sextile - (60°) links planets in compatible elements.

  • Shaman - an individual who has obtained knowledge from various sources such as earth, other dimensions, or other beings. They can alter their conscious state and usually magick on higher levels.

  • Smoke Cleansing - a practice using smoke from an incense or herb to cleanse or bless a space.

  • Smudge or Smudging - a specific ritual usually using a smoking herb that’s mainly practiced by Native American religions.

  • Solitary Practitioner - an individual who has been studying magick and practicing on their own.

  • Spell - a preformed right or magick usually following a written plan.

  • Square (astrology) - (90°) Puts 2 planets or celestial bodies across each other, challenging and fighting over each others energies.

  • Taboo - a prohibited or restricted social custom or idea, usually from a religious perspective.

  • Talisman - an object which was charged or enchanted with a specific intention.

  • Transits - when a planet or other celestial body passes across the face of another celestial body.

  • Trine - (120°) usually formed between planets or other celestial bodies of the same element.

  • Tying - a form of spiritually or physically connecting something together.

  • Universe - everything, anything, and all surrounding us in the physical, astral, or spiritual plane.

  • Veil - a border or division between worlds or dimensions.

  • Visualization - forming images within your mind with a specific intention.

  • Ward or Warding - creating a protective area around you or a specific place.

  • Wheel of the Year - an observance of 8 pagan sabbats throughout the year and seasonal cycles.

  • Wicca - a structured neo-pagan religion which usually incorporated the use of witchcraft.

  • Widdershin - a movement going counter-clockwise

  • Witch-splenation - a made-up term used to describe ordinary things in an extraordinary way.

  • Working - or “a working” a pagan or practitioners term to describe a spell, ritual, meditation, divination , or other act of a pagan practice being done.

  • Yin and Yang - 2 poles of energy forming balance between “good” and “bad”. A representation that there cannot be one without the other, and balance is necessary for the proper flow of energy.

  • Zen - a mental, physical, and spiritual state of calm or peacefulness.