6th Sense Connection Oracle Cards Review

Blessings to all of you beautiful souls!

In collaboration with Ann-Marie, I had an opportunity to review her Oracle set “6th Sense”. I did a thorough flip through of all the cards and talked about some of their information on my YouTube video which you can find that here.

After using and getting to know these cards a little better, I would like to share a deeper review about them. Overall I do enjoy working with these cards and I’m glad to have them as an addition to my collection.

If you’re interested in these cards, check out her website here. She was also kind enough to provide a discount code, just for you! Use code ELENA10 to save 10% with a minimum spend of $2.99.This discount only applies to the 6th Sense Connection Oracle Cards or products tagged digital.

Make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel and sign up for emails to never miss a future video on divination cards, crystals, witchy tips, or other magickal adventures. And if you want more behind-the-scenes and witchy shenanigans, follow me on instagram 💜

I was sponsored by Ann-Marie to create an unboxing video for my channel, but not to create this review post. All of my reactions, interpretations, and thoughts on these cards are genuine, authentic, and un-biased.

I first want to highlight the packaging, it was well thought out. (I know this is something silly to start off with!) But I’ve done a tons of unboxings and reviews at this point for cards, and you could clearly see me struggle with some of them.

The box has a coating with a slight texture, allowing some water resistance and grip for opening up the box. This texture also reduces the suction/vacuum some boxes create, and makes it easy to remove the cards inside.

The plastic packaging around the cards was also easy to remove with a tab! Less struggle for me, and I’m sorry, but less comedic entertainment for you in the video haha.

Some Mechanics

This is a 52 card Oracle deck which also won a gold award at the coalition visionary resources. (I’ll be honest, I’m not entirely sure what the qualifications of this contest was, but winning gold seems like a good thing 😊) The cards are about 5 x 3.5 inches. I would consider this to be an average size for an oracle decks. Cards themselves have some gloss and a slight texture, and feel very similar to standard playing cards. It comes with a companion information booklet, and everything tucks neatly into the box.

The Artwork

When I talk about art (of this deck or anything else) I use my own perspective as an artist and I enjoy a verity of art styles. To me, each card, or any work of art, is a direct energetic extension from the creator themselves. So my interpretations and appreciation of these cards might not align with what the artist intended, or what you might experience.

I like her art style. It has a realism-avante garde-collage-type imagery, with some cards having a more surrealism type vibe. The images themselves seem static, but as if they’re right on the verge of movement. I enjoy the colors and art she chose corresponding to each card’s definition, I think it all goes together well.

The pattern and design she used for her border are one of my favorite details. It gives the illusion of a “portal” as if you’re “looking into” the cards. The border is executed in such a way, that it has enough details to be interesting and unique, but doesn’t take away from the cards themselves while drawing the eyes in toward the center.

Working With the Cards

These cards feel nice to work with. They’re relatively flexible and shuffle well, with a perfect slip/grip for a variety of shuffling techniques. I love that the cards are numbered with a brief glimpse for what they represent. I’ve used just the brief excerpts of the cards for a quick daily reading to see what energies I should be mindful of that day. For more in-depth workings, navigating through the companion booklet is super easy since the cards are numbered. It allows me to work smoothly, without having to search and flip though a bunch of pages to find the meanings of my cards.

Spiritual Sense

These cards have a cool and mysterious feeling. Not cold, as in a negative way, but a cooling sense. I think the “portal” to the images and their illusion that they’re just about to start moving, gives it that mystery. So far, all their energies have been positive.

I did find that these cards don’t really want to be used for longer readings (at least for me). They’re very open to being worked with and I connected with them well. But after a question or 2 they seem like they say “Ok, you’re done, come back later” I found that pretty interesting and a bit unique.

I also enjoyed working with these cards without using the interpretations she provided, solely relying on the images and energies from each card. This deck seemed very receptive for using that technique and provided some good insights.

I would like to share a direct excerpt from her information booklet to help you get a sense on how she talks, describes, and elaborates on her cards. At the same time letting you see what the affirmations look like, and the crystals she accompanies them with.

Card #24: Mystery

“The answer you seek is presently unknown, so think about asking the question differently. If that doesn’t work, let it go for now, as there are too many variables at play.”

“Thank the infinite Spirit for withholding the information until the time is right. Some answers are worth waiting for and one day, all will become clear. Conditions are favorable for finding your answer during either the spring, summer, autumn or winter solstice when you could ask again.”

“Affirmation: I am happy that divine timing is working for me and all is well in my world.”

“Crystals: Labradorite, Merlinite, Moonstone, and Nuummite.”


I’m grateful that I had an opportunity to work with these cards and to experience them. And of course, share all this with you! They’re definitely a great addition to my collection and I resonate with them well. As of right now, I don’t think these cards will become part of my daily divinations. Though these are the type of cards which will call to you when you need their guidance.

Is there something you’d like me to elaborate more on about these cards? What are your thoughts on this deck? Have you worked with it before?


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