June Newsletter

Half a year is already over! Woah!

I’m wishing a Happy Birthday to all the June babies! Lots blessings, and love from me to you and yours.

It’s a new month, and the half-of-the-year mark is here. The days are getting longer and warmer in anticipation of the solstice, and the energies are getting ready to shift again. Can you feel them? Do you have anything magickal planned for the longest day of the year? (in you’re in the northern hemisphere, shortest day if you’re in the southern.)

I hope that the rest of this year will be even better than the first half!

What else is new?

My surgery has went well and I’m recovering. I have re-opened up my schedule for any new appointments for those interested in shadow work or pagan-based therapy. I would love to help you on your self-discovery and healing journey. Schedule a free consult with me HERE.

Our book club is now going to be meeting twice a month on every-other Tuesday. I’ve created a whole new tab to have a place for our book chats HERE We’re currently reading The Crooked Path by Kelden and will be discussing it at our next meeting. Everyone is welcome to join! Click here for the link to the book if you’re interested. If you didn’t read it, you can come hang out anyways!

New listings are added to my shop and I might be doing an Instagram story sale, so keep an eye out for more information on that. I’ve also set up a sponsorship spot on my youtube channel where you can show a little extra support so I can keep all of my content accessible for everyone. (It’s less than $2.00!)

Lastly, Don’t forget to check out the events schedule to see when our live rituals are happening, shop updates, and anything else exciting I would like to share with you. There could be some very interesting new I will be sharing with you in the next few months.

I always appreciate you so much for being part of my community. Lots of love and I hope you have a wonderful month! 💜

Would you like a free printable? I’ve created a June calendar just for you with moon phase dates, sabbats and an affirmation. Sign up for my emails to get more witchy information in your printables as well as other free goodies and discounts!


May Newsletter